The City of Ottawa wants your input on the projects, policies, programs and services that affect your daily life. From open houses to workshops and online engagement opportunities, your feedback helps to shape City decisions.
- Monday, May 13
Centre Pauline-Charron
164 Jeanne Mance Street
6 to 9 pm
Residents are invited to a public information session on
the Montreal Road revitalization. This will be an opportunity to review the
final design, the project schedule, transportation management, public art,
other Vision Vanier initiatives and more.
- Monday, May 13
of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan
City Hall, Colonel By Room, 2nd floor
110 Laurier Avenue West
7 to 8:30 pm
Residents are invited to review and identify current accessibility barriers in City programs, services and facilities as part of the creation of the new City of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan (COMAP).
- Tuesday, May 14
of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan
Metcalfe Town Hall
8243 Victoria Street
7 to 8:30 pm
Residents are invited to review and identify current accessibility barriers in City programs, services and facilities as part of the creation of the new City of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan (COMAP).
- Thursday, May 16
of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan
Fred Barrett Arena
3280 Leitrim Road
7 to 8:30 pm
Residents are invited to review and identify current accessibility barriers in City programs, services and facilities as part of the creation of the new City of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan (COMAP).
The following online public engagement opportunities are available:
- Official Plan survey:Our long-term goal is for Ottawa to grow into the most liveable mid-sized city in North America, and we need your insight to make this happen. We are collaborating with residents across the city to gather input on the key issues facing Ottawa today. Please let us know what matters to you by answering a few questions. Your input will help us create the plans and policies that guide the growth of Ottawa.
- City of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan survey: In following the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, the City will consult with people with disabilities to develop the 2020-2024 City of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan. The plan is designed to remove barriers and improve the accessibility of City programs, services and facilities. Residents can provide feedback by attending an in-person consultation, completing our online survey or requesting a community tool kit to host a consultation without City staff.
- Open Ottawa: The City provides free access to data and information through its Open Ottawa data portal. As part of the City’s Smart City 2.0 Strategy, we want to hear your ideas on how to improve the portal and what data sets you would like to see.
The City offers residents a variety of opportunities to engage, share information and collaborate. You can weigh in on different online engagement opportunities using the City’s new innovative engagement platform Engage Ottawa and see a full list of current engagement opportunities by visiting the public engagement event page on