Ottawa – The City of Ottawa wants your input on the projects, policies, programs and services that affect your daily life. From open houses to workshops and online engagement opportunities, your feedback helps to shape City decisions.
The following online public engagement opportunities are available:
- Aberdeen Square at Lansdowne Park: Provide your feedback until Wednesday, July 31 on how to enhance Aberdeen Square at Lansdowne Park.
- Albion Road Traffic Study: Provide your feedback to help us address traffic concerns along Albion Road between Bank Street and Lester Road.
- ByWard Market Public Realm Plan: Share your feedback until Friday, August 2 on the proposed designs for future spaces and places in the ByWard Market. These designs incorporate the latest input, gathered at public workshops held in January.
- William Street Pilot Project: This new hangout space opened in the ByWard Market in June and will be open for several months. Please fill out a short survey to share your thoughts on the project. Data and feedback on this project will inform plans for the ByWard Market Public Realm Plan.
- Commemorative naming proposals: Submit your comments on four naming proposals by Friday, July 26:
- The studio theatre in Meridian Theatres at Centrepointe
- The park at 2330 Virginia Drive in Alta Visa
- The park at 73 West Ridge Drive in Stittsville
- The senior’s room in the Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre
- O’Connor Street Bikeway: Provide feedback online until Tuesday, July 30 on the next phase of the O’Connor Street Bikeway, between Laurier Avenue West and Wellington Street.
- Open Ottawa: The City provides free access to data and information through its Open Ottawa data portal. As part of the City’s Smart City 2.0 Strategy, we want to hear your ideas on how to improve the portal and what data sets you would like to see.
- Payday loan establishment licensing review: Provide your comments, concerns or questions by email to or by telephone at 613-580-2424 ext. 41421 until Wednesday, July 31.
- Peer Parenting Support Program: Provide your opinions, ideas, insights and personal experiences to help shape Ottawa Public Health’s Peer Parenting Support Program for new and expecting parents and caregivers.
- Recreation facility infrastructure standards: Share your vision for the recreation facility strategy, feedback on the draft recreation facility infrastructure standards and ideas for indoor arenas.
- Tree By-law Review Project: Provide your feedback by email to by Monday, September 9 on the City’s current tree by-laws.
- Wellington Street cycling facility: Provide your feedback online by Monday, July 22 on the City’s plan to create a bi-directional cycling facility on Wellington Street between O’Connor Street and Mackenzie Avenue.
- What do you dig about Elgin?: The City is reconstructing Elgin Street between Gloucester and Isabella streets. Highlight your favourite places on or around Elgin Street by pinning the locations on the map.
The City offers residents a variety of opportunities to engage, share information and collaborate. You can weigh in on different online engagement opportunities using the City’s new innovative engagement platform, Engage Ottawa. See a full list of current engagement opportunities by visiting our public engagement event page.