There’s a lot happening in Ottawa. Here are three upcoming opportunities for you to participate in.
City of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan Consultations
Complete a survey to provide your input on barriers that impact City residents, visitors, and employees with disabilities.
Water Rate Structure Review
Complete a survey to help the City determine how to bill appropriately for the necessary water services provided to residents.
New Zoning By-Law
Register for an upcoming virtual information session to learn more about the proposed bylaw intended to regulate the use and development of land.
As always, our homepage will have updates on projects and important info for you. Feel free to check it out!
Your ideas
In fall 2023, we launched “Your city, your ideas,” a multi-phase engagement to hear your innovative ideas on how the City can improve our services while saving money to reinvest into important priorities. Head over to our Connected City page to learn about the current theme and to share your ideas.
We want to make it easy for you to engage with the City, and we need your help. “Engaging With You” is our dedicated page to gather feedback on how you experience engaging with us. Check it out and let us know your thoughts.
Thank you again for being a part of Engage Ottawa. We look forward to seeing your input on city projects!