Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department (PRED) will be hosting a Ditch Alteration Public Information Session on April 5 at 6:30 p.m. PRED is asking for your input on the proposed recommendations for the updated Ditch Alteration Policy. The following site has additional information about this session as well as a place to submit questions: Review and Update of Ditch Alteration Policy | Engage Ottawa.
The City of Ottawa has approximately 8,500 km of watermains and sewers, with a further 6,010 km of roadside ditches to move excess water around the City. Council has directed staff to update the Ditch Alteration Policy to increase consistency, transparency, protection of infrastructure (public and private) and available information for residents. The City began with updating the Local Improvement Policy, which was approved by Council in late 2021 and is now updating the Ditch Alteration Policy. The intention of the new updated Ditch Alteration Policy is to better align with other City of Ottawa policy’s related to storm water and sewage systems and to provide a method for residents to alter their ditches.
The updated Ditch Alteration Policy will provide direction for residents when they want to alter their ditch, detail Owner and the City ditch maintenance responsibilities and provide enforcement activity information.
Members of the public are invited to register to participate and submit their questions by using the links below: