Development Application Search Tool
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The Development Application Search Tool has been designed to give residents greater access to development applications that have been submitted to the City of Ottawa. You can use this tool to locate applications in Bay Ward, review the reports and plans submitted with the application, and to provide your input.
*** NOTE: Add ” ” (quotes) around search criteria to improve search accuracy ***
Within each application, there’s a direct link for you to send comments to the City staff member or File Lead who is in charge of reviewing the application.
Applications are only available online if they are subject to public consultation, meaning that the application falls into one of the following categories:
- Site Plan Control (Generally, more than 6 units, greater than 7 parking spaces, or greater than 600 square metres triggers site plan control)
- Official Plan Amendment
- Zoning By-law Amendment
- Demolition Control
- Plan of Subdivision
- Plan of Condominium