Holzman Consultants Inc. has been engaged by a local developer as the urban planning consultant with respect to an application for Site Plan Control for a multi-unit residential development on the above-noted properties.
Councillor Kavanagh hosted an information session on Tuesday, December 15 which was recorded for future reference. Watch the meeting
You can still comment directly to the File Lead using the contact information below or through the “Send comments to the file lead” link of DevApps.
Please note the deadline date for comments is January 4, 2021.
For all questions, concerns and all other information please contact the File Lead directly.
The following is a summary of the development proposal:
- The Property consists of approximately 1,686 square metres of land on the south side of Carling Avenue between Judge Street (formerly known as Moore) to the west and Vick Avenue to the east. The Property is improved with two (2) houses.
- The Property is designated Arterial Mainstreet in the Official Plan and is zoned Residential Fourth Density, Subzone N (R4N) which permits a low-rise apartment building, meaning a residential use building that is four or fewer storeys in height.
- The Applicant is proposing the development of 31 residential units on Property in the form of a Planned Unit Development:
- A three-storey (4 level) stacked townhouse building along the Carling Avenue frontage containing 28 units (8 x 1-bedroom and 20 x 2-bedroom); and
- A three-storey triplex fronting on Vick Avenue.
- The underground structure will contain:
- 45 parking spaces;
- A bicycle storage room;
- A garbage/recycling room; and a
- A mechanical/electrical room.
- With respect to the site plan:
- There will be only one 2-way private approach to the parking garage entrance which is off of Judge Street.
- All vehicle parking and garbage rooms will be underground such that there will be plentiful landscaping around the proposed structures.
- Minor variances will be required with respect to the front lot lines (Vick and Judge) and with respect to the side yard (Carling).