On April 8th, Council received an update on the impact of COVID-19 on the City’s staff and finances, as well as the community.
The City has taken significant action in the last few weeks to help flatten the curve and protect staff and residents. All departments are working together on a business continuity plan to ensure the City’s finances remain stable and that services continue to be delivered. The City is preparing for the long haul so it can maintain a healthy and nimble workforce that can be safely redeployed to deliver essential services in different parts of the organization.
COVID-19 has had a financial impact on the City’s operating budget and cash flow, and on assistance from other levels of government. The City forecasts a $102-million reduction in revenue if the pandemic ends in June, a $186-million reduction if in September, and a $273-million reduction if in December. To mitigate the potential shortfall, the City implemented emergency leave for part-time and casual staff, and staff will continue to explore additional measures, such as reducing discretionary spending and pausing non-essential hiring for vacant positions. Staff will report back on mitigation strategies as the situation evolves.