Spring Freshet Update for Bay Ward
Every spring the city in conjunction with Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) monitors the water levels and checks on possible flooding. The Ottawa River annual spring freshet is now well underway. Forecasts from the Ottawa River Regulating Board (www.ottawariver.ca) are indicating that water levels are not likely to reach 2017 and 2019 high-water levels. This is good news but all the same the City of Ottawa is taking no chances and has placed sand and sandbags at the Nepean Sailing Club, the Ron Kolbus-Lakeside Centre, Belltown Dome and on Jamieson Street in Britannia Village just in case. Updates can be found at the City of Ottawa web site (Spring flooding 2023 | City of Ottawa
I have observed the water levels across the ward and they are higher but it is considered to be at a one in ten year level not the one in one hundred year level that causes concerns and requires major interventions. I will continue to work with community members and keep in touch with city emergency services along with the RVCA, for which I am a Board member, for updated information and relay any issues from the community.
Take care everyone and stay dry!