Motion for Chalk River referred to Standing Committee on Environmental Protection and Waste Water Management
One of the most important natural resources we have in Ottawa is our drinking water supply from the Ottawa River so we need to ensure that it is protected for generations to come.
The privately-owned Canadian Nuclear Laboratories is proposing to build an above ground Near Surface Disposal Facility for nuclear waste, including plutonium, other long-lived radionuclides, and high-activity waste requiring lead shielding, upstream from Ottawa at the Chalk River Laboratories. The proposed facility would be less than 200 metres from the River.
As a city councillor I want to be sure that as a city we speak out on anything that threatens our water quality. This is why I brought forward a motion to join in with over 140 municipalities, including the City of Gatineau and the Montreal Municipal Council, who have passed resolutions opposing Canadian Nuclear Laboratories’ radioactive waste plans.
After consultation with the Chair of the Standing Committee on Environmental Protection and Waste Water Management (SCEPWWM) and concerned groups, I have referred the original notice of motion I gave at City Council, seconded by Councillor Catherine McKenney, to the to SCEPWWM committee of March 30th. This meeting will provide residents, stakeholder groups and industry representatives the opportunity to come to the table to share their concerns, knowledge and recommendations. It is essential that we are proactive; to take a hard look at what is being proposed and all the potential implications while we still can. We have many individuals and groups in our community who want to be heard. It is essential that we bring all the relevant information on this issue to the table so that we can have a full and informed conversation about it.
If you would like to speak at committee or provide written correspondence on this matter please contact the SCEPWWM committee coordinator Christopher Zweirzchowski 613-580-2424 x21359