What does City of Ottawa parks and recreation mean to you? Are you a senior who uses city recreation centre programs? Or are you a parent that enjoys that opportunity to kick a ball with your kids in a local park? This is your chance to tell us what you value about our city spaces and programs and what is needed as we move forward with our Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
Since this past January staff have been reaching out and engaging with residents across the City to get their feedback on what they would like to see included in the City’s new Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The Plan in being prepared to fulfill the requirement for a municipal parks plan under section 42 of the Planning Act.
The Plan is a supporting document to the City’s New Official Plan. It reviews the City of Ottawa’s existing parks and recreation facilities and examines what parks and facilities will be required to serve the needs of residents over the next 10 years to meet population growth. The recommendations in the Plan will guide the future growth of parks and facilities for both new development and existing communities targeted for intensification.
The Master Plan is a high-level planning document associated to population growth, with recommendations at the citywide level; specific park, facility, or neighbourhood recommendations will come through future more detailed studies. Similarly, decisions as to which facilities should be refurbished, replaced or consolidated will come through the Recreation Asset Management Plan (RAMP) and related supporting studies.
Parks and recreation are essential services to our community. Our parks contribute to the vitality, energy, strength and dynamics of a city. They improve the local tax base and increase property values. Parks are the places that people go to get healthy and stay fit. And parks provide gathering places for families and social groups, as well as for individuals of all ages and economic status.
The report for the Plan will be presented at a joint meeting of Community and Protective Services Committee and Planning Committee on Monday September 27, 2021. Residents still have an opportunity to engage in this very important document by registering to speak to the committee or submit written comments as part of the public delegation. You can accomplish this by contacting the committee coordinator, Eric Pelot at eric.pelot@ottawa.ca
Have a great week,