Back in the spring I met with KEV (Kiewit-Eurovia-VINCI) who are the consortium that has been contracted to build the Stage 2 LRT. They wanted to move forward on plans to build a berm. I made it clear that this could not happen without consultation. For an initial discussion, I asked for a meeting with KEV and the QTN Community Association representatives, the NCC, the city of Ottawa staff, Stage 2 staff and myself on a discussion on the process of what would be involved in building the berms including connectivity and drainage issues among other questions. It was very clear that KEV was not setup to deal with the many concerns of the community. Therefore, it was decided that city of Ottawa staff in cooperation with myself as Councillor and my staff would consult with a more representative group of community members. This has resulted in berm proposal to be led by the City and in the timeline being extended to allow for this consultation process.
- The City is currently working with the NCC to establish temporary use of lands
- The current berm design will continue to evolve based on feedback
- Further design work will occur into 2021 after consultation sessions.
- Construction will not occur until 2022
The working draft design shown above is a starting point and is subject to change based on additional design work and community consultation. I have requested that easier-to-read designs be made available to residents.
Download an enhanced version of the draft design proposal for the berm.