We did it with your help – Thank you!
The information collected during the second round of consultations is now available for your review. CSWB Phase 2 “What We Heard” report
The main purpose of the consultations being to assist in identifying the local objectives, strategies and actions for each approved priority. The following six local priorities for Ottawa’s CSWB plan were approved by Council in October 2020:
- Discrimination, Marginalization and Racism
- Financial Support and Poverty Reduction
- Gender Based Violence and Violence against Women
- Housing
- Integrated Simpler Systems
- Mental Well-Being
From here, a CSWB report will be presented to the Community and Protective Services (CPSC) for discussion, followed by Council consideration of the final recommendations for the CSWB Plan. This will set the direction to begin working together with partners on short and long-term actions and strategies.
Phase 2 Report: Key Themes and Highlights
Discrimination – Many respondents spoke about providing safe spaces for members of the public to share lived and living experiences and to gain access to services, while also highlighted the need to focus and invest in people. Respondents also emphasized the importance of applying an anti-discrimination lens and an equity lens to all work of the CSWB Plan.
Poverty Reduction – Respondents called for a municipal poverty reduction strategy that also included a food security strategy, employment and advocacy for universal basic income and/or living wage. Gender-Based Violence – Respondents stated the need to review the programs and services offered to survivors of violence while also supporting prevention programs and strategies.
Housing – Across all priorities, respondents cited the need for more affordable housing as critical to improving overall quality of life.
Integrated and Simpler Systems – Common themes from respondents included centralized directories for residents and service providers, improved communications, increased data sharing, and more wraparound services for individuals accessing programs and services. Respondents also highlighted the need for French language and services and was a theme throughout all priorities.
Mental Well Being – Increasing accessible resources and services, such as safe and secure housing, addiction supports, lack of access to affordable mental health and counselling services, long waitlists and difficulty navigating the mental health system. Respondents also called for independent mental health response team led by social workers and counselling/addiction services to handle mental health crisis intervention calls.
The approved CSWB plan will focus on a 10-year deliverable timeline but will remain flexible to adapt to unforeseeable changes. A thorough and detailed analysis of the findings are outlined in thePhase 2 report. We invite you to have a look and continue contributing feedback to our team throughout the entirety of this process.
SEE REPORT HERE: CSWB Phase 2 “What We Heard” report