The project funding stream of Community Funding is now open for applications. Project funding will be allocated as one-year or three-year project funding. This is the first time that this funding stream opens, as part of the new Community Funding Framework.
One-year project funding is allocated to time-limited or defined pilot-projects that build sector service capacity or address an emerging need. This fund is available to all agencies that meet eligibility criteria.
Three-year project funding is allocated to organizations not receiving Sustainability Funding. Funding will allow organizations to build their agency capacity, establish a track record and demonstrate their ability to respond to emerging needs.
For more information and to apply, please visit, and select One-time non-renewable community project funding:
• Deadline for application: Thursday April 13, 2023, at 5 pm
• Maximum funding per agency: $30,000 for One-Year Project and $90,000 for Three-Year Project
• Funding available: $250,000
• Applicants are advised of the results: June 1, 2023
All applications will be assessed through an allocation process. An applicant’s success in obtaining funding depends on the allocation committee’s final evaluation and the funding available in the envelope.