Ottawa – On Tuesday, March 2nd, the City’s Finance and Economic Development Committee and the Community and Protective Services Committee approved a long-range financial plan for housing at a special joint meeting. The Committees also approved a two-year work plan for the 10-Year Housing and Homelessness Plan.
The Committees approved the Housing Services Long Range Financial Plan to fully fund the City’s portion of capital and operating contributions. This plan would support the Council approved objectives set out in the City’s 10-Year Housing and Homelessness Plan by committing $198.4 million over the next 10 years to fully fund the City’s share of 5,700 to 8,500 new affordable housing options and provide the stability of a 10-year outlook for the funding that Housing Services needs to deliver its programs and services.
This long-range financial plan for housing focuses on maintaining service levels and supporting select strategic growth. It recommends strategies to address funding gaps, including advocating for enhanced support from the provincial and federal governments. These combined investments would enable the City to address homelessness and housing affordability.
The Committees also approved a work plan for 2021 and 2022 that outlines 42 actions the City would take to create and preserve affordable housing, increase housing affordability, expand homelessness programs, integrate services and better meet the needs of the Indigenous community and equity groups. This plan would put the City on track to deliver 694 new affordable housing units during this Term of Council, the biggest such increase ever. The plan would direct City staff to review the governance of the 10-year plan and the structure, mandate and membership of the Housing System Working Group.
Recommendations from this meeting will rise to Council on Wednesday, March 10.
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