The following applications for variance have been submitted to the September 19, 2023, Committee of Adjustment at 1:00pm.
To see the full agenda please visit: Committee of Adjustment – Panel 2 – September 19, 2023 (
884 Byron Avenue
File numbers: D08-01-23/B-00126 to D08-01-23/B-00129
filestream.ashx (
The Owner wants to subdivide the property into four separate parcels of land for the construction of two long semi-detached dwellings, with one dwelling unit each containing a secondary dwelling unit, on each new parcel.
CONSENT IS REQUIRED FOR THE FOLLOWING: The Owner requires the Committee’s consent to sever the property and to grant easements.
49 Loch Isle Road
File number: D08-02-23/A-00199
49 Loch Isle Notice of Hearing (
The Owner wants to replace the existing rear deck, retaining wall and stairs to the basement with a new covered deck, as shown on the plans filed with the Committee.
REQUESTED PERMISSION: The Owner/Applicant requires the Permission of the Committee to permit the expansion of a legal non-conforming use (deck) to be located 27.7 metres from the normal highwater mark of a watercourse or waterbody, whereas the Zoning By-law states that no building or structure which does not require a plan of subdivision or site plan control approval shall be located closer than 30 metres from the normal high-water mark of any watercourse or waterbody.
770 Broadview Avenue
File number: D08-01-23/B00200
770 Broadview Notice of Hearing (
The Owner wants to subdivide their property into two separate parcels of land to create one new lot. The existing three-storey building will remain.
CONSENT IS REQUIRED FOR THE FOLLOWING: The Owner requires the Committee’s consent to sever. The severed land is shown as Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the 4R plan filed with the application. This lot will have a frontage of 63.19 metres, a depth of 36.65 metres, and a lot area of 2,569 square metres. This lot will be known municipally as 1825 Carling Avenue and contain the existing at grade parking. The retained land is shown as Part 5 on said 4R plan and will have a frontage of 70.02 metres, a depth of 111.18 metres, and a lot area of 6,466 square metres. This lot is known municipally as 770 Broadview Ave and contain the existing three storey building.
Submit written or oral comments before the hearing:
Email your comments to at least 24 hours before the hearing to ensure they are received by the panel adjudicators.
You may also call the Coordinator at 613-580-2436 to have your comments transcribed.
Register to Speak at the hearing at least 24 hours before by contacting the Committee Coordinator at 613-580-2436 or at
You will receive details on how to participate by video conference.
If you want to share a visual presentation, the Coordinator can provide details on how to do so.
Presentations are limited to five minutes, and any exceptions are at the discretion of the Chair.
Hearings are governed by the Committee of Adjustment’s Rules of Practice and Procedure accessible online.