101 James Cummings D08-01-21/B-00031 & D08-01-21/B-00032
- The Committee of Adjustment will consider Applications for Consent to subdivide the property into two separate lots for the construction of a new detached dwelling one of the newly created parcels of land. The existing detached dwelling will remain.
- The Committee of Adjustment will consider applications for Minor Variances for decreased lot widths, front and interior side yard setbacks and increased lot coverage for the construction of a new detached dwelling, the newly created lot and for the existing detached dwelling which will remain.
138 Britannia D08-02-21/A-00040
- The Committee of Adjustment will consider an Application for Permission to expand a legal non-conforming use. It is proposed to construct a carport addition on the north side of the existing semi-detached dwelling.
If you have any questions or concerns with the applications, or if you any difficulty accessing the application materials online, please contact the Committee office.
Committee of Adjustment | Comité de dérogation
City of Ottawa | Ville d’Ottawa – Ben Franklin Place | Place Ben Franklin
101 Centrepointe Drive, 4th Floor, Ottawa, ON K2G 5K7 | 101, promenade Centrepointe, 4ième étage, Ottawa ON K2G 5K7