Committee of Adjustment: Panel 2
Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 1:00 PM
243 Bradford (Ward 7 – Bay)
1.1 D08-01-23/B-00201 – 00202
1.2 D08-02-23/A-00190 – 00191
Consent & Minor Variance Applications
Application to subdivide the property into two separate parcels of land for the construction of two low-rise apartment buildings with reduced parking and a reduced interior side yard setback.
My office has received many emails and calls regarding this proposed development. As a Councillor I am at arm’s length from the Committee of Adjustment, but residents can submit their comments or request to speak at the hearing.
If the application is granted, then the proposal for 10 units PER LOT would be considered zoning compliant, they can proceed directly to building permit and no notification to the community is required. The subject property is zoned (Local Commercial Zone, LC) which permits low rise apartment dwellings and stacked dwellings.
City staff will provide comment on the application to the Committee of Adjustment, their comments will include examining the request to reduce parking minimums.
It should also be noted that the current Zoning By-law Flood Plain Overlay would be used in the review of the application for 243 Bradford Street. The most current flood plain mapping is now georeferenced, which ensures accuracy. Previously mapping would have been hand drawn.
If you would like to submit comments or concerns regarding the proposed variances, you can submit these directly to the Committee of Adjustment:
Submit written or oral comments before the hearing:
Email your comments to at least 24 hours before the hearing to ensure they are received by the panel adjudicators.
You may also call the Coordinator at 613-580-2436 to have your comments transcribed.
Register to Speak at the hearing at least 24 hours before by contacting the Committee Coordinator at 613-580-2436 or at
You will receive details on how to participate by video conference.
If you want to share a visual presentation, the Coordinator can provide details on how to do so.
Presentations are limited to five minutes, and any exceptions are at the discretion of the Chair.
Hearings are governed by the Committee of Adjustment’s Rules of Practice and Procedure accessible online.