August 1st, 2023 1pm Panel 2 meeting
845 Dundee Avenue
File numbers: D08-02-23/A-00122 & A-00145
The Owner wants to construct a semi-detached dwelling with an above-grade secondary dwelling unit located at the rear of each half. The existing dwelling is to be demolished.
The Owner is seeking a minor variance for:
a) To permit a reduced rear yard setback of 7.0 metres, whereas the By-law requires a minimum rear yard setback equal to 28% of the lot depth or, in this case, 8.5 metres.
b) To permit an increased gross floor area for an above-grade secondary dwelling unit of 50% of the principal dwelling, whereas the By-law permits a maximum gross floor area for a secondary dwelling unit of 40% of the principal dwelling
There is a mature cedar hedgerow along the property line in the neighbour’s yard at 851 Dundee. A few of these mature cedars are in the ROW but are well away from the limit of excavation. Also among the hedgerow are two cedars that are protected but their Critical Root Zone’s do not fall within the limit of excavation and are not identified in this report. There are 5 trees to be protected.
At its hearing on July 4, 2023, the Committee adjourned these applications to allow the Owner time to apply for an addition minor variance. The Owner wants to construct a semi-detached dwelling with an above-grade secondary dwelling unit located at the rear of each half. The existing dwelling is to be demolished.
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Email your comments to at least 24 hours before the hearing to ensure they are received by the panel adjudicators.
You may also call the Coordinator at 613-580-2436 to have your comments transcribed.
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If you want to share a visual presentation, the Coordinator can provide details on how to do so.
Presentations are limited to five minutes, and any exceptions are at the discretion of the Chair.
Hearings are governed by the Committee of Adjustment’s Rules of Practice and Procedure accessible online.