A reminder to residents that the City of Ottawa is conducting a review of special event regulations and invites you to participate in this process.
To date, more than 65 community groups and event organizers have registered. Should you choose to join in the conversation, you will receive email invitations to consultation opportunities and surveys, as well as notification of key milestones and decisions. The City maintains an open-door policy, so they welcome opportunities for discussion and collaboration and are always available to answer your questions between consultations.
You can register by emailing bylawreviews@ottawa.ca or calling 613-580-2424 Ext. 29529
Personal information, if provided, will be retained and kept confidential pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Any personal information you provide will only be used to contact you for the purposes of this By-law review. Summary results from consultations will be retained in the City’s archives. Any questions about how personal information may be used may be directed to bylawreviews@ottawa.ca.
Please let them know if you require any accessibility accommodations to participate in this review. Staff aim to create a positive space that welcomes and supports everyone. If you have a preference for personal pronouns, or any other concerns about barriers to your inclusion, please let them know.
We hope that you will share your experience and help the City to ensure Ottawa continues to enjoy a vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable array of special events.