Seeking stakeholder engagement from Ottawa’s broader business community
The City of Ottawa is developing an Economic Development Strategy for the new Term of Council. As part of their stakeholder engagement efforts, they are seeking input from Ottawa’s broader business community through an online survey.
This survey will serve as an important input into the strategy’s development and will be live from Monday, January 23 – Monday, February 6, 2023.
The City of Ottawa’s Economic Development Strategy will support economic growth and resiliency by addressing the challenges and opportunities of the post-pandemic economy to make Ottawa the most liveable mid-sized city in North America. The strategy, in addition to other outreach including the Mayor’s Economic Summit, will prioritize and guide the City’s investment in economic development and build upon well-established partnerships and programs. It will reflect an updated analysis of Ottawa’s economy as well as forward thinking input from economic development partners, stakeholders, and the broader business community.