The City will be extending current swimming membership expiry dates by 4.5 months.
The 4.5-month extension on the current swimming memberships covers the four months when operations were suspended due to the pandemic on March 16. Plus, it adds an extra two complimentary weeks to help members transition to the reopening.
Customers who pay for their membership by monthly installments on their credit cards will have payments resume on August 15. All monthly payments have been suspended since March 17. Customers who need to update their credit card information are asked to do so in-person at the pool facility, as credit card information cannot be updated online or over the phone.
The City resumed swimming services on July 6, with COVID-related measures in place. Now with the Province of Ontario moving Ottawa into stage 3 of its reopening framework, the City is planning to reopen its other services – including fitness activities – in the coming weeks. Information regarding the extension of other types of memberships – such as all-inclusive, pick-one, aquafitness or corporate – will be coming soon.
The COVID-related measures include reducing the number of swimmers at both the public and lane swims, hourly cleaning of areas and equipment, directional arrows for foot traffic, and physical-distancing decals. Masks can help decrease the risk of spreading the virus and are required when entering the facility or walking in the halls, but are not needed in the pool. Members and customers can book a one-hour swimming session up to two days in advance online or by phoning the facility