An update on the Broadview Avenue Traffic Calming Study project including the Final Recommended Traffic Calming Plan has been posted on the City’s project webpage.
Based on the review of traffic data, coordination with various stakeholders, public feedback and other project constraints, City staff are recommending to proceed with the measures proposed in the January 2024 proposed concept plan.
The Final Recommended Traffic Calming Plan for Broadview Avenue and includes:
- Four speed tables to slow vehicular traffic as it travels along Broadview Avenue.
- Wellesley Avenue:
- Roadway narrowings
- Renewal of the pedestrian landing pads to current accessibility standards
- Avondale Avenue:
- Raised pedestrian crossing on the north leg
- Painted ladder markings on the north, south and east legs
- Renewal of the pedestrian landing pads to current accessibility standards
- Curb radii reduction (one-way school entrance)
The next step in the process is to complete the final project approvals and then initiate the detailed design, which typically requires one year to complete. The construction is typically undertaken the following year.