In the month of September, the City of Ottawa will begin construction work in your neighbourhood. This work is a lifecycle renewal of the main driveway at the Ron Kolbus Centre. The work will also include sidewalk replacement and accessibility improvements for the Ron Kolbus Centre.
The City has a proactive communications approach to dealing with construction projects and potential impacts to the public. The City is committed to keeping the community informed about this project as it moves forward.
Who: D-Squared Construction Inc. will be performing the work for the City of Ottawa.
Why: The City of Ottawa will be proceeding with construction to resurface the asphalt main driveway, replace concrete curb and adjacent pathway and providing greater accessibility to the Ron Kolbus Centre.
What: Work will involve re-grading the site, resurfacing asphalt, and re-forming curbs. The project will be done in phases to better handle the traffic, OC Transpo buses and residents who use the Centre.
While the parking lot work is underway, the lot will be open. Residents may have some inconvenience entering the parking lot or getting to the building. There will be flag persons guiding the traffic and pedestrians in and out of the parking lot.
When: The work is planned to start on September 3rd and expected to be completed by end of October 2019.
The City of Ottawa Noise By-law (2017-255) allows construction activity to occur weekdays between 7am and 10pm. On Saturdays, work is permitted between 7 am and 10 pm while Sunday and Statutory holiday work is allowed between 9 am and 10 pm.
Where: Ron Kolbus Centre, 102 Greenview Avenue
Every effort is being made to reduce the duration of the construction impacts in your community.
Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. The City makes every effort to provide access through and around construction sites. If you require special accommodation, please contact the Site Inspector or the Contractor’s Project Manager.
Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request, at the following link:
During the construction, Greenview Avenue will continue to provide access to parking lots serving residents using the Ron Kolbus Centre.
Construction Disruptions
D-Squared Construction is assuming full responsibility for the construction work until it is entirely complete in 2019. They will take every precaution to minimize interruptions to the everyday life of your family and/or operation of your business, but as you can appreciate, there may be some inconvenience during the course of the operation of the work, such as noise, dust and vibration. We would like to thank you for your patience and co-operation.
Impact on the Right of Way and Adjacent Private Properties
You may feel vibrations at your home or business due to the use of the heavy equipment needed to complete this work. This is quite common and not usually a problem.
Contact Information
It should also be noted that the Contractor assumes full responsibility for the construction work until completion as well as for any damages to private property resulting from these construction activities. In the event of such occurrences, all claims for damages should be immediately reported both verbally and in writing to the Contractor’s Project Manager and to the On-Site Inspector. This will ensure prompt notification of appropriate authorities to complete the claim investigations. Also, the City will be taking photographs to ensure private properties are returned to their original or better condition.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the City’s Project Manager: