Municipalities in Ontario have been subjected to a number of changes as a result of the provincial government’s roll out of the More Homes, More Choice: Ontario’s Housing Supply Action Plan.
Both Bill 109 and Bill 23 were introduced and passed by the Province earlier this year and Staff in the City’s Planning, Infrastructure, and Economic Development (PRED) have worked to identify the necessary changes to our policies, procedures, and by-laws.
In an effort to keep the community informed of the impacts of the new legislation and how the City intends to implement the necessary changes a new website has been created. This will be a centralized page where residents can read summaries of Bill 109 and Bill 23, review FAQs, and learn more about next steps.
Residents are also able to provide their questions and comments to City Staff as they continue to share the full effect of these changes with the Province.
PRED staff will continue this work over the next several months and residents are encouraged to check back regularly in the New Year for updates, new legislation announcements, and engagement opportunities.