The launch of Engagement Series 2 (ES2) is fast approaching, therefore the City is kicking things off early by engaging on one of the Solid Waste Master Plan component projects – the Multi-Residential Waste Diversion Strategy.
What is a component project?
The Solid Waste Master Plan is supported by eight component projects that will either supplement or integrate into the Waste Plan. The decision to undertake these component projects in advance of the Waste Plan being completed is largely a result of their importance to waste management in Ottawa, as well as their ability to feed into and complement the future Waste Plan, rather than compete with it.
If you are interested in discussing multi-residential waste management, please join us on Wednesday, March 2nd from 7:00 – 9:00 PM for a dialogue session where we will seek feedback on: – Supporting residents and tenants when the green program is first introduced at multi-residential properties; – Barriers and challenges to using recycling and green bin programs; and, – Approaches to communicating with and educating residents and tenants about recycling, organics, and other waste diversion programs. |
Space is limited. Please register here for the Zoom dialogue session. For more information, visit the Multi-Residential Waste Diversion Strategy Engage Ottawa web page
What is the purpose of engaging multi-residential properties?
The purpose of engagement related to the Multi-Residential Waste Diversion Strategy is to hear from property owners, managers, site staff, tenants, and residents of multi-residential properties on the proposed Strategy. These conversations will focus on issues that impact residents and tenants directly, as well as provide a forum to receive input on the challenges and barriers that multi-residential property staff face with waste diversion.
Don’t live or work in a multi-residential property but want to weigh in?
If you are interested in providing feedback on broader options for apartments and townhome complexes, stay tuned for the survey launching as part of Engagement Series 2. We encourage you to visit for information on ES2. Registration for engagement activities related to the Solid Waste Master Plan, including the public survey will be available in upcoming months. We look forward to engaging with you!
Multi-residential properties are defined as properties with 6 or more residential units