Affordable Housing Development Opportunities
- 747 Richmond Road is on the edge of Bay Ward in Kitchissippi Ward. It is the strip mall near Cleary Avenue that will be torn down with the LRT Stage 2 construction. This site had previously been considered for the Cleary Station which is now going to be located on the Byron Linear Park. The property will include ground level commercial development.
- Lincoln Fields Station just east of the current Transit Station at Carling. This land was previously owned by the NCC and is now a city property that can be used for affordable housing.
- Pinecrest 417 Corridor: this is land previously owned by the province for the bus transit 417 interchange that will no longer be required with the LRT station. This land is adjacent to the Foster Farm Community.
- 1181 Richmond Road (former McEwen Gas Station) this site has contaminated soil so will take a while to be prepared for development but can be potentially developed for a smaller project.
All these sites are within a short distance of LRT Stage 2 stations so they fit the definition of Transit Oriented Development. There are no plans yet available for any of these sites. Click here to view site details of the Affordable Housing Opportunities on land owned by the City of Ottawa.