Acres Drive Wastewater Pumping Station and Hazeldean Wastewater Pumping Station require Photo-Ionisation (PI) odour control to address ongoing odour issues identified by City Operators at these two facilities.
The Acres Pumping Station in your Ward is located at 2 Aero Drive.
The work includes the construction of addition ductwork to convey air flow from the sewer at the Station to a new PI odour control unit adjacent to the Station to process and reduce odour in the air. Work will also include the installation of a concrete pad for and power and control wiring to the PI units from the adjacent Station. All work will take place on city owned, pump station property.
There have been no public complaints to our knowledge about odours around the Station. There will also be no impacts to the public during construction, and wastewater service will continue as normal.
Construction is expected to begin end of May or early June 2021 and completion is anticipated to be by March 2022. A City of Ottawa webpage for the project will be created and a Notice of Construction will be distributed to residents living on roads immediately adjacent to the pumping station prior to construction beginning.