Transportation Impact Assessment by Novatech revised October 2019
Based on the foregoing, the conclusions and recommendations of this TIA can be summarized as follows:
- The net increase in trips generated by the proposed redevelopment is approximately 293 person trips in the AM peak hour and 207 person trips in the PM peak hour, which includes an increase of approximately 133 vehicle trips in the AM peak hour and 100 vehicle trips in the PM peak hour.
Development Design and Parking
- Pedestrian facilities will be provided between the building entrances and the parking lot.
- Additionally, pedestrian facilities will connect the building to the existing sidewalks along Carling Avenue and Woodroffe Avenue East, and sidewalks along the frontage that are not 1.8m concrete will be upgraded to City standards. Sidewalks will be depressed and continuous across the Woodroffe Avenue East access, in accordance with City standards.
- There are no existing or proposed sidewalks along Ancaster Avenue.
- The nearest transit stops are within a walking distance of approximately 300m from all entrances to the proposed redevelopment.
- The proposed redevelopment allocates ground-floor storage areas devoted to bicycle parking.
- Garbage collection and deliveries will occur within the subject site. Garbage rooms are proposed at the western end of each building. The fire route is curbside along Carling Avenue and Woodroffe Avenue East.
- The proposed underground parking will be provided in a single garage, which can be accessed from both Ancaster Avenue and Woodroffe Avenue East.
- Approximately 229 vehicle parking spaces are proposed for the subject site, meeting the requirements of the ZBL. Bicycle parking will be provided in accordance with the minimum requirement of the ZBL as part of the Site Plan Control application.
Boundary Streets
- The results of the segment
MMLOS analysis can be summarized as follows:
- Ancaster Avenue meets the target pedestrian level of service (PLOS), while Carling
- Avenue and Woodroffe Avenue East do not;
- Ancaster Avenue meets the target bicycle level of service (BLOS), while Carling
- Avenue and Woodroffe Avenue East do not;
- Carling Avenue meets the target transit level of service (TLOS);
- Carling Avenue and Woodroffe Avenue East meet the truck level of service (TkLOS);
- All roadways meet the target vehicular level of service (Auto LOS).
- The Rapid Transit and Transit Priority Network identifies Carling Avenue as having at-grade LRT in its Network Concept and continuous transit lanes in its Affordable Network. While these improvements to the transit network are being implemented, there may be opportunities
- to improve the pedestrian and bicycle levels of services on Carling Avenue as well.
- The PLOS of Woodroffe Avenue East can be improved to the target PLOS C by implementing sidewalks with a minimum width of 2.0m on the east side and implementing sidewalks with a minimum width of 2.0m and a minimum sidewalk boulevard width of 2.0m on the west side.
- However, there is insufficient ROW width to accommodate these sidewalk and boulevard widths.
- The Ancaster Avenue road closure approximately 50m north of Carling Avenue is anticipated to calm traffic such that the operating speed is reduced to approximately 30 km/h. The PLOS of Ancaster Avenue achieves the target PLOS C despite having no sidewalks due to the reduction in the operating speed to approximately 30 km/h.
- The BLOS of Woodroffe Avenue East can be improved to a BLOS A by implementing a cycle track or other physically separated bikeway. The Ontario Traffic Manual – Book 18 identifies separated bicycle facilities as most appropriate for Woodroffe Avenue East, given the high operating speed and daily traffic volumes. However, lane reductions would be required to accommodate a separate cycling facility in this area, which is not feasible based on the current traffic volumes.
Access Design
- The proposed redevelopment will be serviced by a right-in/right-out access along Woodroffe Avenue East (approximately 60m north of the existing ROW of Carling Avenue) and a right-in/left-out access along Ancaster Avenue (approximately 50m north of the existing ROW of Carling Avenue).
- Section 25 (c) of the Private Approach By-Law identifies a maximum width requirement of 9m for two-way accesses. This requirement is met by both proposed accesses.
- Section 107 (1)(a) of the Zoning By-Law identifies a minimum width requirement of 6.7m for a two-way driveway to a parking lot, and 6.0m for a two-way driveway to a parking garage.
- These requirements are met by the proposed Woodroffe Avenue East access. The conceptual design of the accesses will be refined and reviewed as part of the Site Plan Control application.
- Section 25 (l) of the Private Approach By-Law identifies a minimum distance requirement of 30m between the private approach and the nearest intersecting street line. This requirement is met by both proposed accesses.
- TAC identifies a minimum distance requirement of 70m for arterials and 15m for local roadways, measuring between the private approach and the nearest intersecting street line. While it is acknowledged that the access of Woodroffe Avenue East does not meet this requirement, it is located as far from the intersection with Carling Avenue as possible.
- Section 25 (o) of the Private Approach By-Law identifies a minimum spacing of 3m between the nearest edge of the private approach and the property line, as measured at the street line. This requirement is met by the access along Woodroffe Avenue East and the access along Ancaster Avenue.
- The clear throat length is approximately 9.5m, however queueing concerns will be significantly alleviated by restricting inbound and outbound left turns at this access, as it will not cause northbound queuing back to Carling Avenue/Woodroffe Avenue East/Fairlawn Avenue. It is requested that this requirement be waived, based on the above.
- Based on the location of the proposed access on Ancaster Avenue, the road closure on Ancaster Avenue must be shifted north. A functional design is included in this report.
Neighbourhood Traffic Management
- With the addition of site-generated traffic to Woodland Avenue/Byron Avenue, the two-way traffic volume on Woodland Avenue is projected to be approximately 41 vehicles during the AM peak hour and 38 vehicles during the PM peak hour. This equates to 30% of the City’s threshold for considering Neighbourhood Traffic Management measures. Therefore, no NTM measures are recommended, as none are required.
- The additional transit trips generated by the proposed redevelopment are not anticipated to
- have a significant impact on the operations of OC Transpo routes 16, 85, and 87.
- City staff have noted that a bus shelter is warranted at Stop #6481 adjacent to the subject site. The proponent will consider the provision of a bus shelter during the Site Plan Control application stage.
Intersection Design
- Based on the results of the
intersection MMLOS analysis:
- No intersections meet the pedestrian level of service (PLOS);
- No intersections meet the bicycle level of service (BLOS);
- Of intersections with targets, only Carling Avenue/Carlingwood Shopping Centre and
- Carling Avenue/Iroquois Road meet the transit level of service (TLOS);
- All intersections meet the truck level of service (TkLOS);
- Carling Avenue/Woodroffe Avenue East/Fairlawn Avenue and the unsignalized Woodroffe Avenue East/Carlingwood Shopping Centre access do not meet the vehicular level of service (Auto LOS).
- Pedestrian Level of Service:
- No crosswalks crossing Carling Avenue, Woodroffe Avenue West, or Woodroffe Avenue East/Fairlawn Avenue can achieve the target PLOS C without significantly reducing the number of lanes and restricting turning movements. These approaches all meet the City’s warrant for zebra-striped crosswalks (greater than 400,000 vehicle/pedestrian conflicts over an eight-hour period) and could be considered where they have not already been implemented.
- The south approach of Woodroffe Avenue East/Carlingwood Shopping Centre can meet the target PLOS C by implementing zebra-striped crosswalks. This approach meets the City’s warrant for zebra-striped crosswalks. The east approach can meet the target PLOS C by implementing either a curb extension or wider sidewalks, such that the number of lanes crossed decreases from four to three. As this is a private Transportation Impact Assessment 485 Ancaster Avenue approach, any modification would have to be negotiated between the City and the landowner.
- Bicycle Level of Service:
- The BLOS of Carling Avenue/Woodroffe Avenue West can meet the target BLOS C by implementing a cycle track or other physically separated bikeway. Two-stage left turn bike boxes could be implemented at the south and west approaches. A jug handle and crossbike could be implemented at the east approach. The effect of implementing a ten-second crossbike phase is anticipated to have a marginal effect on the performance of the intersection.
- The BLOS of Carling Avenue/Woodroffe Avenue East/Fairlawn Avenue can meet the target BLOS C by implementing two-stage left-turn bike boxes and higher order cycling facilities for all approaches. However, there is insufficient ROW width on Woodroffe Avenue East to accommodate a separated bike facility.
- The BLOS of Carling Avenue/Carlingwood Shopping Centre can meet the target BLOS C by implementing two-stage left-turn bike boxes at all approaches.
- The BLOS of Carling Avenue/Iroquois Road can meet the target BLOS C by implementing higher order cycling facilities, and two-stage left-turn bike boxes for all approaches.
- The BLOS of Woodroffe Avenue East/Carlingwood Shopping Centre can meet the target BLOS C by implementing a cycle track or other physically separated bikeway. Two-stage left turn bike boxes could be implemented at the south and east approaches. A jug handle and crossbike could be implemented at the north approach. The effect of implementing a ten-second crossbike phase is anticipated to have a marginal effect on the performance of the intersection. There is insufficient ROW width on Woodroffe Avenue East to accommodate a separated bike facility.
- Transit Level of Service:
- The TLOS of the east and west approaches at Carling Avenue/Woodroffe Avenue West and Carling Avenue/Woodroffe Avenue East/Fairlawn Avenue can surpass the target TLOS D by implementing continuous bus lanes or at-grade LRT (with continuous bus lanes identified in the RTTP 2031 Affordable Network and at-grade LRT identified in the 2031 Network Concept). While the RTTP 2031 Network Concept also identifies Woodroffe Avenue East as a Transit Priority Corridor with Isolated Measures, there are limited opportunities to improve the TLOS at the north and south approaches of the Carling Avenue/Woodroffe Avenue East/Fairlawn Avenue intersection.
- Vehicular Level of Service:
- The Auto LOS of Carling Avenue/Woodroffe Avenue East/Fairlawn Avenue does not currently meet the target Auto LOS D. To meet the target Auto LOS D, a reduction of approximately 20 vehicles in the AM peak hour and approximately 70 vehicles in the PM peak hour is required.
- In existing and future traffic
conditions, queueing issues were identified for the following movements:
- Carling Avenue/Woodroffe Avenue
- Westbound left turn (PM peak)
- Carling Avenue/Woodroffe Avenue
East/Fairlawn Avenue
- Southbound left turn (AM peak)
- Southbound right turn (PM peak)
- Eastbound left turn (AM and PM peaks)
- Eastbound through (AM peak)
- Westbound through (PM peak)
- Carling Avenue/Woodroffe Avenue
- Under the background traffic conditions, there is anticipated traffic growth on Woodroffe Avenues West and East. All intersections are anticipated to operate at approximately the same level of service, with Carling Avenue/Woodroffe Avenue East/Fairlawn Avenue failing to meet the target Auto LOS D.
- Under the total traffic conditions, Carling Avenue/Woodroffe Avenue East/Fairlawn Avenue is anticipated to downgrade to an Auto LOS F during the AM peak hour in 2022. All other intersections are anticipated to operate at approximately the same level of service.
- To meet the target Auto LOS D at Carling Avenue/Woodroffe Avenue East/Fairlawn Avenue in 2027 total traffic conditions (considered the worst case in this analysis), a reduction of approximately 50 vehicles in the AM peak hour and approximately 90 vehicles in the PM peak hour is required. This is comparable to the findings of the existing conditions analysis.
- A review of the Ontario Traffic Manual – Books 5, 12, and 15 identify that an eastbound/ westbound pedestrian crossing treatment at Woodroffe Avenue East/Flower Avenue is not warranted.
- In conclusion, the roadway modification to accommodate the proposed redevelopment is limited to the relocation of the Ancaster Avenue road closure to the north of the proposed site access.