Message from Councillor Kavanagh
Trees are an important part of the Ottawa’s infrastructure. They are essential as they absorb stormwater, filter for urban pollutants including noise, absorb CO2, help cool the air, provide shade…
Trees are an important part of the Ottawa’s infrastructure. They are essential as they absorb stormwater, filter for urban pollutants including noise, absorb CO2, help cool the air, provide shade…
The Rail Construction Program is confirming our West Extension Information Session for Cleary to Lincoln Fields up to Carling Ave. stations. It is scheduled for Tuesday, December 3rd. The drop-in…
Snacks and refreshments will be served Date: Wednesday December 11th, 2019 Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Location: Ron Kolbus Lakeside Centre – 102 Greenview Rd. Ottawa Come to Councillor…
Planned Information Board Themes: What is Stage 2? How are we building it? What’s happened so far? Benefits of Stage 2 Community Impacts If you have any questions or require…
I will be joining my colleague Councillor Shawn Ménard and others at a Town Hall on transit organized in concert with MPP Joel Harden. If you are interested in attending,…
The NCC will begin removing snow from two sections of bike lanes once arrangements are finalized.
Ottawa – All public meetings are held at Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West, unless otherwise noted. For a complete agenda and updates, please sign up for email alerts,…
There are no applications from Bay Ward on December 4th, 2019 – See Agenda.
On November 15th, 2019, in response to the proliferation of short-term rentals in Ottawa and concerns about the quality of rental housing, low vacancy rates and a growing need for…
Inquiry submitted November 6 2019 Does OC Transpo track how many Para-transpo rides are requested vs. how many rides are actually booked, and if so, what are the numbers for…