Decision on 100 Bayshore
From time to time a development application comes to City Council that meets City planning policies but provokes community opposition, placing the City Councillor in an awkward position. The development proposal for 100 Bayshore is one of these.
On Tuesday November 10, Ottawa Planning staff recommended to the City Planning committee to approve amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law 2008-250 for a residential development at 100 Bayshore Drive, near the current Transitway and future LRT station at Bayshore. The amendments facilitate building two new residential buildings with a mix of approximately 500 residential dwelling units. The building heights are proposed to increase in height to 30-storeys directly abutting Bayshore Shopping Centre to the east and 27-storeys to the west. The Official Plan amendment (OPA) seeks to amend the Official Plan to permit taller buildings and relieve the requirement to front onto an Arterial Road. The application also results in site-specific policies for the lands. The Zoning By-law amendment seeks to rezone the site to increase the maximum permitted height and floor space index (FSI), consider the enclosed rooftop amenity space a permitted projection, permit a limited amount of parking in the front yard, amend the bicycle parking space minimum aisle width, include Section 37 provisions, and add a holding provision related to future commitments through the Site Plan Control application.
Approximately 20 comments from local residents were submitted during the application review process in opposition, based on height and density, parking and traffic, sun shadowing and design. Many of the residents made statements at Planning Committee. I am not a m ember of the City’s Planning Committeebut I attended to hear the residents and the discussion. During the course of this Planning meeting the 10 members of Planning Committee and I raised the concerns of residents to City staff, including OC Transpo management. Following hearing from City staff and the residents the Planning Committee members stated they were satisfied with the staff responses and voted 10-0 in favour of this development.
As was stated in the Planning Committee report the existing rapid transit station and proposed extension of Light Rail to the Bayshore Shopping Centre and the Accora Village Community created a unique opportunity to encourage infill, redevelopment, and high-rise built form surrounding this station to support the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) objectives of this plan. The area located generally within 800 metres walking distance of this station is identified as a special study area where a secondary planning process will be undertaken, by either the landowner or the City to determine the future land use, height, density, connectivity, and the overall character of the community and which may be implemented through a secondary plan and amendments to the applicable Zoning By-law. In the interim and notwithstanding the above policies to the contrary, highrise buildings up to 12 storeys in height will continue to be permitted in those areas where zoning currently permits high-rise buildings.
The report further pointed out that the applicant has agreed to provide a monetary contribution of $150,000 towards a park amenity that is aimed at youth. Discussions regarding this amenity will take place with the community with the intention of building a skateboard park in the existing Bayshore Park to address the concern for adequate outdoor activities for youth in this area.
A second commitment by the developer has been made to provide 45 affordable housing units secured for 15 years at the City’s definition that rents are not to exceed 30 per cent of the 30th income percentile for the City of Ottawa. This will be secured through a holding provision that cannot be lifted until a Site Plan Control application has been approved by the City and an agreement executed. These items will be listed as conditions of approval in the Site Plan Control process.
To further address the concerns of residents who use the Bayshore Transit station I have requested that a working group with community members be formed during the Site Plan Control process to respond to the accessibility of the station to the Bayshore community.
I want to congratulate those residents who took such an interest in this proposal and took the time to speak to Planning Committee that day.
Stay well.

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